Ice Carvings

I have been an ice sculptor in Alaska for 21 years. Alaska is world famous for the quality and singular size of its “Arctic Diamond” ice blocks, and I have had the privilege of carving many dozens of these at competitions throughout the state. I have won numerous events over the years and have gained state-wide recognition for my work. The images below are a small selection of my ice sculptures over the years.

Abstract woman ice sculpture with sculptor carver Paul Hanis Alaska

Ornaments of Winter

Alaska Botanical Garden, Anchorage, 2025. This carving was intended to showcase the capabilities of ice as a sculpture medium and focused on intricate and delicate details.

Abstract ice carving woman face with flower headdress hair

Ornaments of Winter

Alaska Botanical Garden, Anchorage, 2025. Detail view of the woman’s face and her intricate headdress and hair.

Solstice Serenade

1st Place, Aklaska Botanical Garden, Anchorage, 2024. This sculpture depicts the low winter solstice sun and a face in a crescent moon lifted by the rays of light.

abstract ice sculpture by carver Paul Hanis of frost patterns and fine details

Frozen Windowpane Impressions

1st Place, 2014 Crystal Gallery of Ice, Anchorage, Alaska. This piece was a tribute to the fantastic forms that frost takes as it freezes across a pane of glass.
10’ x 7’

Solstice Serenade

Detail view of the face carved into the moon. Note the carved snowflakes as well as the drawings made on the surface of the ice using snow.

ice sculpture of a bear dancing with Alaska native and spears

Dancing the Bear Dream

2008 Crystal Gallery of Ice, Anchorage, Alaska. This was a sculptural representation of the painting by Susan Seddon Boulet.
4’ x 9’

ice sculpture of abstract woman lifting frost patterns with intricate snowflakes by carver Paul Hanis

Crystalline Weaver

Alaska Botanical Garden, Anchorage, 2023

abstract ice dancers sculpture jubilant poses ballerina figures

Where We Dwell

1st Place, 2012 Crystal Gallery of Ice, Anchorage, Alaska. This sculpture depicted abstract dancers, capturing their motions in jubilant suspense.
12’ x 7’

ice sculpture of kokopelli figure playing music with delicate music shapes

Suspended Serenade

2nd Place, 2015 Crystal Gallery of Ice, Anchorage, Alaska. An ice sculpture about the mythical Kokopelli figure and the spirit of music.
9’ x 10’

close up of flame fire ice sculpture detail with orange lights


2008 World Ice Art Championships, Fairbanks, Alaska. A detail view of one of the flame shapes.

fine details of abstract ice carving frost swirls and pattern details

Frozen Windowpane Impressions

1st Place, 2014 Crystal Gallery of Ice, Anchorage, Alaska. Detail view of some of the more delicate forms.

Where We Dwell

1st Place, 2012 Crystal Gallery of Ice, Anchorage, Alaska. Detail view of one of the dancers with the full moon in the background complimenting the crescent moon in the sculpture.

abstract ice carving female breath making snowflakes and flowers

Winter’s Breath Blooms

Alaska Botanical Garden, Anchorage, 2022

close up of ice sculpture dancing bear and Alaska native face details and long delicate spears

Dancing the Bear Dream

Detail view of the bear, Alaska native, and their spears.

tropical fish realistic ice carving by Paul Hanis with coral and intricate scale details

Fish Out Of Water

1st Place, 2007 Peninsula Winter Games, Soldotna, Alaska. This sculpture depicted tropical fish and was named with an admittedly cheesy pun!
6’ x 7’

abstract ice carving of intricate shelf ice formations concentric delicate natural patterns

Frost and Firn Garden

4th Place, Abstract category, 2005 World Ice Art Championships, Fairbanks, Alaska. This abstract sculpture depicted the amazing patterns I’ve observed while roaming Alaska’s glaciers on my backcountry adventures.
7’ x 9’

abstract ice carving of singing birds positive and negative space with tiny music notes


2010 World Ice Art Championships, Fairbanks, Alaska. This sculpture was an exploration of positive and negative space, centered around a theme of singing birds.
8’ x 8’

abstract ice carving of fire and flame shapes with sculptor artist Paul Hanis


2008 World Ice Art Championships, Fairbanks, Alaska. This abstract sculpture was about a single piece of split firewood that emerged from a particularly burled birch log. The twisted and gnarled form was too beautiful to ignore in its resemblance to a flame itself.
5’ x 10’

close up of abstract ice carving singing bird with spiral detail and delicate small music note


2010 World Ice Art Championships, Fairbanks, Alaska. Detail view of the positive space bird and its gentle and content expression. A minimalistic approach was adopted for conveying details of the bird itself.

ice carving of two mountain goats together with long horns

Love on the Rocks

2006 Peninsula Winter Games, Soldotna, Alaska. This sculpture depicted a pair of mountain goats, a family portrait of sorts.
6’ x 7’

Abstract delicate ice sculpture of a hand and snowflake

Ornaments of Winter

Alaska Botanical Garden, Anchorage, 2025. Detail of the hand with a delicate snowflake balanced on the wrist.

fire and ice sunburst carved into a sphere sculpture

Solstice Serenade

Detail view of the sunburst contained within the sphere of the sun.

Crystalline Weaver

Alaska Botanical Garden, Anchorage, 2023

close up ice carving frost garland patterns and intricate snowflakes

Crystalline Weaver

Alaska Botanical Garden, Anchorage, 2023

close up of abstract ice sculpture with flowers and ice garland

Winter’s Breath Blooms

Alaska Botanical Garden, Anchorage, 2022

abstract ice sculpture with carver Paul Hanis female form blowing snowflakes and flowers

Winter’s Breath Blooms

Alaska Botanical Garden, Anchorage, 2022

close up abstract ice carving heart shape with leaping gestures

Awakening the Courageous Heart

2nd Place, 2016 Crystal Gallery of Ice, Anchorage, Alaska.

realistic ice sculpture alaska lynx scratching tree with squirrel on top


2009 Peninsula Winter Games, Soldotna, Alaska. A comical sculpture about a squirrel taunting a lynx.

abstract ice sculpture of frozen frost patterns from river

River Beauty

2007 World Ice Art Championships, Fairbanks, Alaska. This abstract ice sculpture was about the patterns that I’ve observed while skiing along the shelf ice of Alaska’s rivers in the winter.
6’ x 10’

close up of abstract ice sculpture spiral hung from ice hanger

Suspended Serenade

2nd Place, Crystal Galler of Ice, Anchorage, Alaska. A detail of the centerpiece spiral form.